Legal Pro India

Legal Pro India

Documents Required for PF/ESIC Registration​

  • Name of applicant/employer.
  • PAN card details.
  • Valid ID which includes driving license, passport, voter ID.
  • Address proof of the place in which the business is being carried out.
  • Residential address proof of proprietor.
  • Phone number.

Pricing summary

Employee Provident Fund (EPF)

  • The Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Act of 1952 established the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF), which is a savings scheme. 
  • Government, employer, and employee representatives make up the central board of trustees, which is assisted by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation. The Ministry of Labour and Employment is responsible for managing EPFO, which operates directly under governmental control.
  • EPF, also known as PF in India, is a scheme that allows employees to set aside a percentage of their income for use after retirement or in case of necessity. Each month, a set amount is contributed to PF by both the business and the employees. 

Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Scheme

  • ESI is a contributory fund that enables Indian employees to participate in a self-financed, healthcare insurance fund with contributions from both the employee and their employer.
  • The scheme is managed by Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, a government entity, that is a self-financing, social security, and labor welfare organization.
  • The entity administers and regulates ESI scheme as per the rules mentioned in the Indian ESI Act of 1948.
  • ESI is one of the most popular integrated need-based social insurance schemes among employees. The scheme protects employee interest in uncertain events such as temporary or permanent physical disability, sickness, maternity, injury during employment, and more. The scheme provides both cash benefits and healthcare benefits.

Here is how it works?

1. Fill Form

Simply fill the above form to get started.

2. Call to discuss

Our startup expert will connect with you & prepare documents.

3. Get Certificate

Get your company incorporation certificate


Employees’ State Insurance Scheme of India is a multi-dimensional Social Security Scheme tailored to provide Socio-economic protection to the ’employees’ in the organized sector against the events of sickness, maternity, disablement and death due to employment injury and to provide medical care to the insured employees and their families.

       The ESI Scheme is administered by a statutory corporate body called the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), which has members representing Employers, Employees, the Central Government, State Government, Medical Profession and the Hon’ble Members of Parliament. Director General is the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and is also an ex-officio member of the Corporation.

The ESI scheme is a self financing scheme. The ESI funds are primarily built out of contribution from employers and employees payable monthly at a fixed percentage of wages paid. The State Governments also bear 1/8th share of the cost of Medical Benefit.

As per the act, all employees whose earnings are Rs. 15000 or less per month, it is required for them to contribute 0.75% of their pay towards the ESI and 3.25% by the company towards ESI. For successful , ESI Registration the employer will need to pay the advance contribution for 6 months.

       Yes, all the establishments which come beneath the ESI act along with all the factories that employ exceeding 10 employees and furnish less than Rs 21000 per month (Rs 25000 towards the employees with a disability should enroll with the ESIC and contribute to the ESI scheme

The Government of India established the ESI scheme to provide workers with financial, medical, and other benefits. The Employees’ Provident Fund, on the other hand, is a social security scheme that enables employees to set aside a small amount of their wages for future benefits.